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What is Data Exploration and Visualization

Learn Data Exploration Techniques and Data Visualization Tools

Content of Data Exploration and Data Visualization:

  • Data Exploration Techniques
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Data Visualization Tools
  • Exploratory Data Analysis

Data Exploration Techniques

Data exploration techniques are used to gain an understanding of the data and its characteristics. Some common data exploration techniques include:

Data exploration techniques are used to gain an understanding of the data and its characteristics.

    Summary Statistics

This involves calculating summary statistics such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, etc. These statistics provide a basic understanding of the data's central tendency, spread, and distribution.


Histograms are used to visualize the distribution of a numerical variable. They show the number of data points that fall into specific intervals or bins.

    Box Plots

Box plots show the distribution of a numerical variable and its median, quartiles, and outliers. They are useful for identifying potential outliers and comparing the distributions of multiple variables.

    Scatter Plots

Scatter plots are used to visualize the relationship between two numerical variables. They show how the variables are correlated and if there are any outliers.

Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics provide a summary of the data's central tendency, spread, and distribution. Some common descriptive statistics include:

The summation of all the data points creates the mean.

Median: The middle value of the data when it is sorted in order.

Mode: The data's most prevalent value.

Variance: A measure of how much the data points deviate from the mean.

The variance's square root is known as the standard deviation.

Range: The space between the highest and lowest numbers.

The numbers that divide the data into four equal halves are known as quartiles.

Data Visualization Tools

Data visualization tools are used to create graphical representations of the data. Some common data visualization tools include:

Data visualization tools are used to create graphical representations of the data.


A popular data visualization library in Python. A well-liked Python data visualization library is Matplotlib. It is widely used for creating 2D and 3D plots, histograms, scatter plots, bar charts, and more.

Example code:

scss code

< style="border: none; margin: 0px 0px 0px 40px; padding: 0px; text-align: left;">

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

y = [10, 20, 30, 40]

plt.plot(x, y)



plt.title('Line Plot')


A Python library for statistical data visualization. It is used for creating more advanced visualizations like heat maps, time series plots, and more.

Example code:

kotlin code

import seaborn as sns

tips = sns.load_dataset('tips')

sns.scatterplot(x='total_bill', y='tip', data=tips, hue='sex')

plt.title('Scatter Plot')


A web-based data visualization tool that allows interactive plots.


A powerful data visualization tool that allows for complex and interactive visualizations. It provides a user-friendly interface to create interactive dashboards and visualizations.

    Power BI

Power BI offers interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. It is a service for business analytics. It is a widely used tool in organizations to analyze data and create interactive dashboards.

Exploratory Data Analysis:

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial step in the data science process that involves analyzing and summarizing the main characteristics of the data. It helps in identifying patterns, relationships, and anomalies in the data. Here are the main steps involved in EDA:

    Descriptive statistics: 

Descriptive statistics summarize the main features of a data set by providing measures such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.

    Data visualization

Data visualization techniques such as scatter plots, box plots, and histograms can help to identify patterns and trends in the data.

    Data Cleaning

In this step, we identify and remove any missing values, outliers, or errors in the data.

    Correlation analysis

Correlation analysis measures the strength of the relationship between two variables. It is used to identify variables that are highly correlated and can help to identify patterns in the data.

    Dimensionality reduction

This involves reducing the number of variables in the data without losing too much information. This can be done using techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) or factor analysis.

    Clustering analysis

This involves grouping data points based on their similarity. Clustering can help identify patterns in the data that might not be apparent otherwise.

    Data transformation: 

This involves transforming the data into a different format to make it easier to analyze. For example, converting categorical data into numerical data using one-hot encoding or binary encoding.

    Outlier detection

Outlier detection techniques help to identify values in the data that are significantly different from other values in the data set. This can help to identify errors in the data or identify unusual patterns.

    Missing value imputation

Missing value imputation techniques are used to fill in missing values in the data. This is important as missing values can distort the results of data analysis

    Univariate Analysis

In this step, we analyze individual variables in the data to understand their distribution, central tendency, and variability.

Overall, EDA is an iterative process that involves multiple rounds of data exploration and analysis. The goal is to gain a deep understanding of the data and use that knowledge to inform further analysis and modeling.

Example code:

python code

import pandas as pd

import seaborn as sns

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Check for missing values


# Remove missing values

data = data.dropna()

# Histogram

sns.histplot(data['age'], kde=False)

plt.title('Age Distribution')

# Boxplot

sns.boxplot(x='gender', y='income', data=data)

plt.title('Income by Gender')

Bivariate Analysis: In this step, we analyze the relationship between two variables in the data.

Example code:

python code

# Scatter plot

sns.scatterplot(x='age', y='income', data=data)

plt.title('Income vs Age')

# Correlation matrix

corr = data.corr()

sns.heatmap(corr, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm')

plt.title('Correlation Matrix')

Multivariate Analysis: In multivariate analysis, we are interested in understanding the relationship between three or more variables in the data. One common tool used for this is the pairplot, which is a type of scatterplot matrix that shows the relationships between all pairs of variables in a dataset.

Here's an example code using the pairplot function from the seaborn library to visualize the relationship between multiple variables in a dataset. We are using the 'gender' column as a hue to distinguish between male and female observations:

python code

import seaborn as sns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# load the data

data = sns.load_dataset('tips')

# create a pairplot

sns.pairplot(data, hue='gender')

# add title


# display the plot

In this code, we loaded a sample dataset called 'tips' from the seaborn library. Then, we used the pairplot function to create a scatterplot matrix that shows the relationships between all pairs of variables in the dataset. The 'hue' parameter is set to 'gender' to distinguish between male and female observations. Finally, we added a title to the plot and displayed it using the function.

Here's an example of using Python's Matplotlib library to create a scatter plot for EDA:

python code

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd

# Load data

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Create scatter plot

plt.scatter(data['age'], data['income'])



plt.title('Age vs Income')

This code will create a scatter plot showing the relationship between age and income in the data set.

To Main (Topics of Data Science)

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